Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Section 1: Self-Assessment

This table contains statements for the computer use self-assessment.
I can...YesSomewhatNo
Use a variety of electronic devices such as calculators, fax machines, photocopiers, and telephones. yes
Identify the main parts of a computer and their functions. somewhat
Enter a code into a system (e.g. using an automated bank machine or an alarm system). somewhat
Use a mouse to open and navigate programs by clicking buttons, menus, etc. yes
Easily locate and use keyboard keys. yes
Log on and log off a computer.
Use common desktop icons and menus to open programs and files (e.g. Internet browser, email). yes
Send a basic email to one recipient. yes
Identify and use different computer hardware components such as printers, scanners, and removable storage devices (e.g. CD, DVD, USB drive). yes
Resolve basic technical difficulties (e.g. computer reboot, paper jam, ink cartridge replacement). somewhat
Use word processing programs to produce simple documents and perform simple formatting of text (e.g. business letters or memos; font type and size, bold and underline text, bullets or numbered lists). yes
Send emails with attachments to multiple recipients. yes
Use spreadsheet software to enter and organize data.
Manage electronic files (e.g. access shared files, save files to a specific location on a hard drive or disk, create folders). yes
Browse Web pages to find information and download files. yes
Use Internet search engines to find specific information by choosing the right search terms or adding operators (e.g. OR, “ ”, define:) to my search terms. somewhat
Use spreadsheet software to prepare, edit, manipulate and analyze tables (e.g. create and modify budget reports, create various types of charts or graphs). somewhat
Use word processing programs to produce documents with extensive formatting features (e.g. page numbering, headers and footers, table of contents, footnotes). yes
Use presentation software to produce visual aids (e.g. slides, hand-outs, and/or charts). yes
Give detailed computer-related explanations or training to co-workers (e.g. demonstrating features of commonly used or customized programs). somewhat
Distinguish between different file formats (e.g. rtf, pdf, html, exe, jpg, mpeg). somewhat
Successfully install and configure new software applications or add hardware devices. yes
Identify and correct hardware or software problems by using manuals, on-line resources, etc. somewhat
Use and create databases to manage client contact 

Section 2: Personal Development

Completing this section will help you make informed training decisions.
  • Look at the “Yes” column in Section 1 to identify your strengths, and record them below.
  • Look at the “Somewhat” and/or “No” columns in Section 1 to identify the areas that you need to develop or strengthen, and record them below.
I am confident that I can…
E.g. use common desktop icons and menus to open programs and files.
1.  Use a variety of electronic devices such as calculators, fax machines, photocopiers, and telephones.
2.Use a mouse to open and navigate programs by clicking buttons, menus, etc.
3.Browse Web pages to find information and download files.
Tip: Consider using your strengths to help a colleague, friend or family member improve theircomputer use skills.
I would like to improve my ability to…
E.g. install and configure new software applications or add hardware devices.
1)Use Internet search engines to find specific information by choosing the right search terms or adding operators (e.g. OR, “ ”, define:) to my search terms.
2)Distinguish between different file formats (e.g. rtf, pdf, html, exe, jpg, mpeg).
3) Identify and correct hardware or software problems by using manuals, on-line resources, etc.
                                    Section 1: Self-Assessment
Section 1: Self-Assessment
I can...YesSomewhatNo
Write short reminder notes to myself or others. yes
Write simple lists (e.g. grocery list, list of work tasks). yes
Write notes in point form. yes
Write entries in appointment calendars. yes
Write brief notes or emails to co-workers. somewhat
Write brief entries into forms (e.g. bank deposit slip). yes
Write down telephone messages.somewhat 
Write short memos or faxes to request or clarify information. somewhat 
Write text that is a paragraph or longer such as memos or letters. somewhat 
Prepare written materials using templates. somewhat 
Use correct grammar and spelling. somewhat 
Include details and examples to support my writing. yes
Tailor my writing to a specific audience. no
Write formal emails or letters to clients or supervisors. somewhat 
Write a brief summary of a larger piece of text. somewhat 
Write short reports about a meeting or presentation. somewhat 
Write long pieces of text such as letters or reports. somewhat 
Thoroughly express my opinions in writing. yes
Prepare comprehensive written materials to provide direction, training, or support (e.g. a training manual). somewhat 
Write detailed emails or letters requesting information. yes
Write long pieces of text using formatting features such as headings, table of contents, footnotes, etc. yes
Prepare complex written materials (e.g. contracts, financial reports) using a standard format. no
Rewrite text to improve clarity and flow. yes
Edit written materials to confirm proper grammar, spelling, and formatting. yes

Section 2: Personal Development

Completing this section will help you make informed training decisions.
  • Look at the “Yes” column in Section 1 to identify your strengths, and record them below.
  • Look at the “Somewhat” and/or “No” column in Section 1 to identify the areas that you need to develop or strengthen, and record them below.
I am confident that I can…
E.g. write down telephone messages.
1)I can Write short reminder notes to myself or others.
2)Write simple lists (e.g. grocery list, list of work tasks).
3)Thoroughly express my opinions in writing.
Tip: Consider using your strengths to help a colleague, friend or family member improve their writingskills.
I would like to improve my ability to…
E.g. tailor my writing to a specific audience.
1)Write a brief summary of a larger piece of text.
2)Write long pieces of text such as letters or reports.
3)Prepare comprehensive written materials to provide direction, training, or support (e.g. a training manual).
Tip: When developing your training plan, focus on improving one or two abilities at a time.

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